Featured post: My Good Friend Imposter Syndrome


My goal over the last year and a half has been to write and publish more. I’ve been trying to hit publish even if the writing isn’t perfect.


  • Word Pictures

    When you sketch too early, premature decisions get encoded into the sketch that influence the future design process.

  • Unhelpful Feedback

    It's common for designers to receive feedback on their work that isn't very helpful. But that doesn't mean the feedback isn't valid, or that it can't be trusted.

  • Fighting Back Against the Fold

    Today we're designing apps, not newspapers, but the fear of people missing content that appears below the fold persists, and has more influence than it should over the way we design products.



  • Arriving and Stopping

    As a product designer you should not seek the perfect solution to a problem, but one that is good enough.

  • The Stories You Tell Yourself

    Every once in a while I make decisions as if I’m living according to some kind of life script. I don’t know when the script was written, but I do sense that I’m one of the screenwriters...

  • The People Around You

    In reflecting upon how I’ve approached design and work throughout my career, and as I consider what I want to do and be in the future, I’ve noticed a shift in mindset from where I was 3-4 years ago. What’s the shift?...

  • Designing for Social Context

    In my experience designing a communication platform at Paylocity I’ve observed that the way a person perceives their audience affects how they choose engage (or not engage!).

  • Thinking in Slides

    When I’m struggling with a design problem, I sometimes create a presentation for it. I do this whether I intend to give the presentation or not.

  • Presenting to Align

    For a recent project I was asked to propose a solution for enabling people to collaborate within a shared document space (a la Google Docs). Right away the team started talking about the various features we could add. But it’s not useful to think in terms of features so soon.

  • Thinking About Collaboration

    Thoughts informing my latest work in the collaboration space

  • Beginner’s Mindset

    Thoughts about how to position yourself as a new designer on a product team or at a company

  • How to Solve It

    Lessons learned from George Pólya’s How to Solve It

  • Principle Stacks

    Expanding on Ben Thompson’s ideas about principle stacks from the Exponent podcast

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